Economy and Social Infrastructure Topics

The following topics have been drawn directly from community input into suggested survey topics and themes. This section covers topics that were within the Economy and Social Infrastructure Theme.

  • Keeping taxes low
  • Creating a definable town center
  • Creating commercial retail hubs or center
  • Offering different types of housing
  • Exploring multi-use developments
  • Expanding the supply of affordable housing
  • Developing more transport options such as bike lanes and buses
  • Building a network of pedestrian-friendly sidewalks
  • Developing recreation trail networks
  • Embracing more tourism economy
  • Pursuing more local employment opportunities
  • Encouraging and attracting desirable businesses
  • Creating buffers between residential and major traffic corridors
  • Restricting residential density

Survey participants were asked to score each topic on its importance to shaping the future of Falmouth.
SCALE: 1 = Not Important  to 10 = Highly Important

To simplify the data in this chart, the responses were groups as follows:

  • 1,2,3 = Not important
  • 4,5,6,7 = Neutral
  • 8,9,10 = Important

Key things to note:

  • Most of the topics appear to have a spread of responses, without a particular concentration towards important or not important.
  • Topics related to recreation trails, sidewalks and buffers are perceived as more important for the future of Falmouth.

An alternative data visualization of this question is provided below. This provides the total responses for each point on the 1-10 scale for each topic.


For more information about the Town of Falmouth Vision and Values project, please contact:

David Beurle, CEO
Future iQ
Phone: (612) 757-9190