Residential Growth Policy x Commercial Growth Policy
This chart combines two future splitting questions:
X Axis = Residential Growth Policy. The question was: “Should Falmouth aim to restrict residential growth and development as much as possible, or actively promote residential growth and development?” SCALE: 1 = Restrict residential growth: 10 = Actively promote growth
Y Axis = Commercial Growth Policy. The question was: “Should Falmouth aim to restrict commercial growth and development as much as possible, or actively promote commercial growth and development?” SCALE: 1 = Restrict commercial growth; 10 = Actively promote growth
Key things to note:
This data skews largely to the lower left of the matrix, reflecting a desire to restrict and manage the both residential; and commercial development.
However, the spread is wider on the commercial growth policy axis, suggesting there is some desire for more commercial growth, with some survey respondents.
There is a significant bubble of over 120 responses in 1,1 point which is restricting both residential and commercial development.