
Future community connectivity and transportation options have been discussed throughout the Vision and Values project.

In terms of ease of access, walkability, and local transportation issues, how would you like Falmouth to be 15-20 years in the future? Please select your preference on the following continuum:

  • 1 = TRADITIONAL TRANSPORTATION – The community maintains its primary reliance on existing road transport and transport systems.
  • 10 = GREATER MULTI-MODAL CONNECTIVITY –  Transportation systems are evolved in new ways to connect key locations internally within the town, and externally to major regional hubs, using multi-modal systems (transit, trails, bike systems etc.).

Key things to note:

  • The data skews towards a desire to create greater multi-modal connectivity. This was also highlighted in the focus groups and comments on the community survey.
  • The longer people have lived in Falmouth, the more they want traditional transportation. Those under 10 years living in Falmouth strongly supported multi-modal connectivity.


For more information about the Town of Falmouth Vision and Values project, please contact:

David Beurle, CEO
Future iQ
Phone: (612) 757-9190