PlanKCK Vision Summit

PlanKCK Vision Summit

May 16, 2023

9:00am– 1:00pm

James P. Davis Hall
Wyandotte County Lake Park
N. 91st & Leavenworth Road
Kansas City, KS 66109

The Vision Summit was an exciting step in the ‘Year of Visioning’ for KCK!

The PlanKCK Vision Summit was conducted as a highly-participatory 4-hour workshop that produced a preferred future scenario validated by its participants. The scenario-based Vision Summit is a tool to gain better understanding of community priorities and goals that contribute to the creation of effective strategies and actions for program and resource allocation in the Economic Development Strategic Plan. A range of plausible future scenarios were developed to act as a testing ground to assess resilience and consequences.

For KCK, this process endeavored to answer important questions such as:

  • How should economic development in KCK evolve?
  • What makes economic development in KCK unique and how can the UG use these characteristics to prepare for the future?
  • How will stakeholder preferences fit into this vision for economic development and how will their evolving demographics be incorporated into the new vision?
  • How should funds be equitably invested and leveraged to build resiliency in the City?
  • How do local economics fit into the larger regional community?

Hear attendees’ thoughts on the Strategic Plan Project:

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