Maintain Focus on Industry and Diversify Business Attraction

Maintain Focus on Industry (X-Axis) x Diversify Business Attraction (Y-Axis)
This chart combines responses to two questions to create an interactive scatter plot. This chart presents the average results based on all respondents. You can hover over the chart to reveal more information on each circle. The chart is structured as follows:

  • X-Axis is the response to the question “In recent years, KCK has seen a significant growth in industrial uses. How important is it for the UG to continue to work to attract industrial businesses to KCK?” (Scale: 1 = Not at all important; 5 = Very important)

  • Y-Axis is the response to the question” In recent years, KCK has seen significant industrial growth. How important is it for the UG to shift focus to other types of businesses, particularly small and medium-sized business?” (Scale: 1 = Not at all important; 5 = Very important)

Key things to note:

  • This chart shows that survey respondents considered both approaches to industrial growth as important, with diversifying business attraction as more important.
  • The responses can be filtered according to respondent age, ethnicity, UG District you live in, and affiliation.