This project portal is intended to support the Unified Government (UG) of Wyandotte County – Kansas City, Kansas, economic development strategic planning project. To learn more about the project’s background or the UG, follow the link below.
The PlanKCK Economic Development Strategic Plan was unanimously approved by the UG Board of Commissioners on November 30, 2023. This report represents the culmination of many months of stakeholder engagement including Stakeholder Interviews, Vision Summit Survey, Business Survey, Vision Summit, 7 Focus Groups, Community Prosperity Summit, and a Neighborhood Summit. Read the report here!
The PlanKCK Vision Summit was conducted on May 16, 2023 as a highly-participatory 4-hour workshop. This workshop explored the future of KCK and identified a preferred future scenario validated by its participants. The scenario-based Vision Summit aimed to gain better understanding of community priorities and goals.
The State of the Economy Snapshot for Kansas City, Kansas, is the benchmark report for reference throughout the Unified Government’s economic development strategic planning process. This snapshot highlights a broad overview of the existing economic conditions encompassing Kansas City, Kansas.
The Unified Government (UG) of Wyandotte County-Kansas City, Kansas, has embarked on a multi-faceted planning process that involves the development of a Comprehensive Plan, an Economic Development Strategic Plan, and a Historic Preservation Plan.
The UG purposefully initiated these three planning processes concurrently to enable a unified and collaborative approach to planning for future development. This new economic development strategic planning project will help lead Kansas City, Kansas into the future with inventive thinking, new ideas, economic strategic tools and approaches, and implementable policies and action plans. The resulting Economic Development Strategic Plan aims to bolster all neighborhoods and engender economic prosperity in an equitable manner.
For more information about the Unified Government Economic Development Strategic Planning Project, please contact:
Gunnar Hand, AICP, Director of Planning + Urban Design
Unified Government of Wyandotte County-Kansas City, Kansas
Phone: 913-573-5750
David Beurle, Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ
Phone: 612-757-9190