The Lorain County Strategic Action Plan Think-Tank process explored key drivers shaping the future of the county, which informed a range of possible future scenarios. It was conducted as two highly participatory 3-hour workshops, using scenario-based strategic planning to produce plausible futures for Lorain County looking out to 2035. This ultimately began to identify the County’s future strategic positioning and broad vision.
These workshops were an interactive and engaging way to bring the county together to work together on the future of Lorain County, looking out to 2035.
Lorain County Community College
Reaser Grand Room, Spitzer Conference Room
Lorain County Community College
Reaser Grand Room, Spitzer Conference Room
For more information about the Lorain County Strategic Action Plan Project, please contact:
David Greenspan, Special Projects Coordinator/Manager
Lorain County Commissioners
226 Middle Avenue, 4th Floor, Elyria, Ohio 44035
David Beurle, Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ