The Lorain County Pillar Discussion Workshop – Transit was the first of six initial Pillar Discussion workshops that represent the six Pillars in the Lorain County Strategic Action Plan. The workshop was on Monday April 15, 2024 from 10:00am to 12:00pm in Room 208, Spitzer Conference Center, Lorain County Community College, 1005 Abbe Rd N, Elyria, OH44035.
This 2-hour workshop covered what is currently happening in Lorain County relating to Transit, best practice models, opportunities to collaborate and the formation of a Transit task force.
For more information about the Lorain County Strategic Action Plan Project, please contact:
David Greenspan, Special Projects Coordinator/Manager
Lorain County Commissioners
226 Middle Avenue, 4th Floor, Elyria, Ohio 44035
David Beurle, Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ