Funding and Investment

Respondents were asked if they thought the School District has the funding and investment levels to achieve and deliver the desired student outcomes. They were asked: Sustaining high quality education is competitive and costs money. In addition, the community is growing, and the future needs are expected to be higher. Considering this competitive landscape, do you think the Smithville School District current has the funding and investment levels (spending) to achieve and deliver the student outcomes we desire? (Scale: – 5 = We are spending too much; 0 = Just right; +5 = We need to invest more)

Key things to note:

  • Where approximately 26% of survey respondents think the Smithville School District is doing just right with funding and investment levels to achieve and deliver the desired student outcomes, 18% lean towards too much spending, and 54% think more investment is needed.
  • There is a general sense that more investment and funding in the Smithville School District to maintain its competitive edge and quality education.


For more information about the Smithville School District Strategic Action Planning Project, please contact:

Michelle Kratofil, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services
Smithville School District
Phone: 816-532-0406 ext. 7622