
The Smithville School District’s strategic planning process will produce a Strategic Action Plan that will provide comprehensive direction for school years 2023-2024 through 2028-2029.

The objective of the planning process is to bring together students, community members and staff through extensive engagement to identify Smithville’s ‘Portrait of a Graduate’ and vision for the future of the Smithville School District. The project will produce a strategic action plan that will guide leadership and the community for the next five years.

Methodological Approach

A successful strategic planning process is based on three primary principles: It is Future Oriented, Data Driven and People Focused. The ‘future orientation’ is particularly important to take account of rapidly emerging social and technological trends. The ‘data driven’ ensures the plan is built on solid research, public input and information, and is measurable. The ‘people focused’ is important to build support for the vision and goals for the school district, and to harness the best possible input into  action plan formulation.


For more information about the Smithville School District Strategic Action Planning Project, please contact:

Michelle Kratofil, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services
Smithville School District
Phone: 816-532-0406 ext. 7622
Email: kratofim@smithville.k12.mo.us
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