Building Capacity and Retention of Educational Talent

Building Capacity and Capability (X Axis) x Attracting and Retaining Educational Talents (Y-Axis)
This chart combines responses to two questions to create an interactive scatter plot. This chart presents the average results based on all respondents. You can hover over the chart to reveal more information on each circle. The chart is structured as follows:

  • X-Axis is the response to the question “To be an innovative and successful School District, it is important to have sufficient capacity and capability to continue to evolve and adapt to changing needs. Do you think the Smithville School District currently has sufficient capacity/capability to adapt and succeed in today’s rapidly changing world?” (Scale: -5 = We lack capability; 0 = Just right; +5 = More than enough capability)
  • Y-Axis is the response to the question “Maintaining and improving performance will require having the right talent in terms of teachers and School District personnel. How well do you think we are currently doing inattracting and retaining the required quality of staff and teachers?” (Scale: -5 = We are falling behind; 0 = Just right; +5 = We are doing very well)

Key things to note:

  • Where 26% of survey respondents consider the School District’s capacity to succeed just right, more people viewed the district as lacking capability than having more than enough.
  • The lean towards lack of capacity coincides with survey results showing that respondents also think the district is falling behind in attracting and retaining quality staff and teachers. These two issues will need to be addressed in the strategic planning process if the district is to move forward on its trajectory to the preferred future.


For more information about the Smithville School District Strategic Action Planning Project, please contact:

Michelle Kratofil, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services
Smithville School District
Phone: 816-532-0406 ext. 7622