
The intentions of the strategic planning process were developed by Smithville School Board Members to help explain to the community what the process is intended to do. The intentions of the strategic planning process include:


Create a common and future-oriented vision for the Smithville School District ‘Portrait of a Graduate’, by:

  • Further developing the school district’s ability to adapt to meet the future needs of students.
  • Building on the school district’s commitment to real-world-learning for Smithville students.
    Exploring the school district’s future role and capacity to expand into early childhood and lifelong learning.


Strengthen the collaborative framework between the Smithville School District and its key stakeholders, by:

  • Proactively seeking parent, community and stakeholder input on future aspirations for the district, including student outcomes.
  • Working with the community and parents, identifying the future needs of the school district.


Create a roadmap to move the Smithville School District from a great school system to the premier school system of choice, by:

  • Building the school district’s reputation as a premier employer by creating an appealing and enticing career environment for teachers and staff.
  • Increasing the school district’s ability to demonstrate achievement and progress using metric-based evaluation.
    Proactively plan to identify and meet the expected community growth.


For more information about the Smithville School District Strategic Action Planning Project, please contact:

Michelle Kratofil, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services
Smithville School District
Phone: 816-532-0406 ext. 7622
Email: kratofim@smithville.k12.mo.us
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