Attracting and Retaining Educational Talent

Respondents were asked how well they thought the School District is doing in attracting and retaining the required quality of staff and teachers. They were asked: Maintaining and improving performance will require having the right talent in terms of teachers and School District personnel. How well do you think we are currently doing in attracting and retaining the required quality of staff and teachers? (Scale: -5 = We are falling behind; 0 = Just right; +5 = We are doing very well)

Key things to note:

  • Where 14% of survey respondents think the Smithville School District is doing just right in attracting and retaining the required quality of staff and teachers, 60% lean towards falling behind and 25% leaning towards doing very well.
  • Survey results indicate there is a definite concern among respondents that the School District is falling behind in attracting and retaining the required quality of staff and teachers.


For more information about the Smithville School District Strategic Action Planning Project, please contact:

Michelle Kratofil, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services
Smithville School District
Phone: 816-532-0406 ext. 7622