The comprehensive economic development strategic planning process thus far has involved extensive community and stakeholder outreach including a CEDS Stakeholder Survey, 14 on-on-one stakeholder interviews, a two-day scenario-planning Think-Tank, and six in-person Strategic Pillar Focus Groups. These facilitated Focus Groups aimed to build a deeper understanding of each topic and its implications for economic development in the City of Littleton. A key part of the strategic planning process, the Focus Groups help to synthesize community and stakeholder input from the Stakeholder Survey and the Think-Tank, and to explore a set of crucial questions.
To help prepare for the Focus Groups, participants were provided with the Scenario Snapshot informational flyer for a summary of the results that emerged from the Think-Tank Workshop in July.
For more information about the Littleton Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan Project, please contact:
Cindie Perry, Economic Development Director
City of Littleton
2255 W. Berry Avenue
Littleton, CO 80120
Phone: (303) 795-3860
David Beurle, Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ
Phone: 612-757-9190