Where do You Live in Smithville?

The survey showed the Smithville Character Areas that were defined during the Comprehensive Planning process. As per the Smithville Comprehensive Planning process, Smithville includes five proposed Character Areas, each of which is defined by common development characteristics and natural barriers, and has a unique set of conditions, vision, and opportunities to foster places to live, work, and play.

This chart shows where the survey respondents live in relation to the Character Areas.

Key things to note:

  • The majority of respondents live in the Northern Residential areas of Smithville – the North Residential Character Area.
  • This was followed by those who live near to the downtown area – the Downtown Community Oasis Character Area
  • It was then a somewhat equal split between those who live outside of the Smithville City Limits, those who live South of Route 92 (169 Southern Character Area) and Within Smithville but outside the designated Character areas.
  • Finally there was a small percentage of respondents who live near the school/hospital area – Hospital Bluff Character Area.


For more information about the City of Smithville’s Transportation Master Plan Project, please contact:

Chuck Soules, Public Works Director
107 West Main Street
City of Smithville
Phone: (816) 532-3897