Vision Greenwood

Comprehensive Master Plan 2035 Project

Vision Greenwood Community Survey is now open!

The Vision Greenwood Community Survey is now open! Have your say and tell us what your ideas are for the Community Master Plan! How do you want Greenwood to look in 5-10 years? What do you like and not like about the City? Learn more and take the Survey!

The Vision Greenwood Think-Tank was conducted on January 31 and February 1, 2025 as a highly participatory 2-session workshop.

The workshop explored the future of Greenwood and identified a preferred future scenario validated by its participants. The scenario-based Think-Tank aimed to gain a better understanding of community priorities and goals that will contribute to the creation of the Community Vision that will inform the upcoming comprehensive master planning process.

The City of Greenwood has embarked on a visioning and planning project that will update the City’s 2008 Comprehensive Master Plan.

This project will create a Comprehensive Plan that will guide the development and redevelopment of the City of Greenwood for the next 10 years. Because of this, it is very important that the comprehensive plan update process engages the community and gives the citizens the opportunity to provide input and feedback regarding the plan’s creation. A key aspect to this will be establishing the community’s vision for Greenwood’s future. The result of the comprehensive plan update process will be a comprehensive plan that provides guidance to the community regarding how to reach that vision looking out to 2035.

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