Think-Tank Overview

The Think-Tank is an exciting step in University City’s Community Vision 2040 project!

The Think-Tank process helps to define a broad vision, values, goals and directions. It is conducted as two highly participatory 3-hour workshops that produce a preferred future scenario validated by its participants. The scenario-based Think-Tank is a tool to gain better understanding of community priorities and goals that contribute to the creation of effective strategies and actions for program and resource allocation. A range of plausible future scenarios are developed that act as a testing ground to assess resilience and consequences.

For University City, this process will try to answer important questions such as:

  • What should University City become?
  • What makes University City unique and special and how can the city use these characteristics to prepare for the future?
  • How will community stakeholder preferences fit into this vision?

The Think-Tank methodology will allow community stakeholders to tackle these questions in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. This will then lead to the clarification of the vision that will guide the city’s decision-making into the future and as it prepares for the comprehensive planning process later in 2022.

Visual outline of how the Think-Tank scenario-planning methodology works:


For more information about University City’s Community Vision Project, please contact:

Dawn Beasley, Assistant City Manager
City of University City
6801 Delmar Boulevard
University City, MO 63130
Phone: 314.505.8533