
Importance of the Shared Vision When Making Decisions

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the ‘Importance of having a Shared Vision when Making Decisions for University City. The question was:
“How important is it to consider the shared vision when MAKING DECSIONS for University City?”
Scale: 1 = Not at all Important; 10 = Extremely Important

Key things to note:

  • An overwhelming majority of respondents felt that it was highly important to use the shared vision when making decisions for University City.
  • These results reflect a strong view that the people view the visioning process as important to helping shape the future of University City.


For more information about University City’s Community Vision Project, please contact:

Dawn Beasley, Assistant City Manager
City of University City
6801 Delmar Boulevard
University City, MO 63130
Phone: 314.505.8533