Project Objectives

The project’s objective is to create a comprehensive and sustainable 5-year Strategic Action Plan for Traverse City.

The focus will be on extensive research and community engagement that focuses on the community of Traverse City. This research and engagement will identify the needs and wants, as well as ways to raise awareness and provide clarification to the community on the potential future of Traverse City, looking out to 2035.

Community engagement will be key and will include:

  • Stakeholder and Communication Plans
  • Key Stakeholder Interviews
  • Benchmarking Traverse City against similar Cities and the ensuing Situational Analysis Report
  • Traverse City Future Think-Tank Workshop and Report
  • Community Surveys #1 and #2
  • Strategic Pillar stakeholder Roundtable Session
  • Focus Groups with specified stakeholder groups to build out the Strategic Pillars
  • Production of the Community Dashboard/Balanced Scorecard
  • Production of the final Traverse City Strategic Action Plan

The final Traverse City Strategic Action Plan will be presented to the City in May 2025.