Future Direction – Combined Sentiment Chart – All Respondents

This chart plots the two broad sentiment questions (Community Focus and Infrastructure Trajectory), in a framework that mirrors the scenario matrix. Each person’s individual response to the two broad sentiment questions are plotted as X and Y co-ordinates, and then the results are grouped. The larger the circle or bubble, the more responses. By hovering over each bubble, the number of responses is revealed.

This method of plotting the sentiment results helps show the overall desire for change and future direction. The data can be filtered using the profile questions on the right hand side of the chart. In addition, the dashed line represents the median or average, can be selected by the filter on the right hand side.

Key things to note:

  • The underlying pattern of difference between cohorts is the same as the individual axis questions.
  • The results show that people who seek a status quo approach, tend to do this one both the community focus and infrastructure trajectory. However, there is a significant number of responses that show appetite for change on the Infrastructure Trajectory axis, but not on the Community Focus axis.
  • The data reveals that there are two large groups of views in the responses. One is a preference for no change, with a concentration in the lower left corner. The other is a desire for lots of change, with a concentration in the upper right.
  • This data indicates that the strategic plan will need to accommodate a range of strategies, that address different desired outcomes, and maybe in different areas of the community.