Park Concept Plan #4 – Recreation Hub and Community Center

Previous planning efforts in Smithville, along with the surveys and conversations around parks and recreation in Smithville, have all identified a desire for a community center and recreation hub / aquatics center.

While this development is unfeasible with Smithville’s current population, the population is growing fast, and we need to start planning. This concept plan intends to help us think about this future facility, for when it becomes a sustainable reality. 

The ideal location has not yet been specified, but there is a strong community desire for it to be close to the high school location. Also, the survey gap-analysis identified the southern portion of the city as lacking parks and recreation amenities. Therefore, it is recommended such a future facility is in the Hospital Bluff Character Area.

We would love to hear your thoughts!

Tell us what you think of the future concept plan for a future Recreation Hub and Community Center, and if there are things you would suggest changing or adding?

Comments made via this portal are public. We expect conversations to follow the rules of polite discourse. Messages containing inappropriate content or language will be removed at the discretion of Future iQ.


For more information about the City of Smithville’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan Project, please contact:

Matt Denton, CPRP – Parks and Recreation Director
107 West Main Street
City of Smithville
Phone: (816) 532-8130