Overview – Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community Survey #1

The Smithville parks and Recreation Master Plan project is a six month long public process. It aims to produce a 10-year plan for the development and investment in Smithville’s parks and recreation infrastructure and programming.

What Parks and Recreation amenities and programs would your household like to see?
This survey will be your chance to have your say, and to answer that question!

The first survey in Smithville’s Parks and Recreation Master Planning process is now open!

PLEASE NOTE: The Community Survey #1 closes on 12 March 2021.
Please encourage your neighbors and family to participate and take the survey!

This initial survey is an important opportunity to engage in this process explore residents’ desires for the future of Parks and Recreation in the community. The responses to this first survey will be used to help the 10-year Master Plan. Additional phases of the project discussion boards and on-site concept plan discussions.


For more information about the City of Smithville’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan Project, please contact:

Matt Denton, CPRP – Parks and Recreation Director
107 West Main Street
City of Smithville
Phone: (816) 532-8130