Future Heatmap – Age Cohorts

This chart shows the responses to the future scenario questions in the Vision Survey. The chart represents all responses, for the Expected, Preferred and Least Desirable Futures. These are groups in Age Cohorts.

  • X axis is Development Trajectory
  • Y axis is Community Fabric

Key things to note:

  • This approach averages the responses by age cohort for each type of future.
  • On the top left of the filter column, there is a selection called ‘Type of Metric’. This will allow viewing of Average or Median, which is shown as a dotted line on the chart.


For more information about ‘Moab – Tomorrow Together’, please contact:

David Beurle,  CEO
Future iQ
Phone: 612-757-9190
Email: david@future-iq.com

Lisa Church,  Communications and Engagement Manager
City of Moab
Phone: 435-259-5121
Email: lchurch@moabcity.org