
The Moab-Tomorrow Together visioning process is a nine month long public process that aims to produce a future-oriented and inclusive Community Vision and Strategic Action Plan for Moab. The objective of the visioning process is to identify a common vision for the future of Moab and to encourage collective, sustained and strategic civic action toward that vision.

We had almost 800 thoughtful and in-depth responses to the Community Survey. These responses helped inform the Think-Tank. The Vision Survey gained wider community input into the preferred and expected future scenarios, developed from the Think-Tank. The results from the two surveys and the Think-Tank will inform the project through to the conclusion of the project in October 2022.

We had almost 800 thoughtful and in-depth responses to the Community Survey. These responses helped inform the Think-Tank and will be referred to throughout the visioning process. The second survey will build upon these results.

The first survey for the Moab – Tomorrow Together project is now open.

Please encourage your neighbors and family to participate and take the survey!


For more information about ‘Moab – Tomorrow Together’, please contact:

David Beurle,  CEO
Future iQ
Phone: 612-757-9190
Email: david@future-iq.com

Lisa Church,  Communications and Engagement Manager
City of Moab
Phone: 435-259-5121
Email: lchurch@moabcity.org