Years lived or worked in Moab

This chart shows the longevity relating to the respondents living and working in Moab.

Key things to note:

  • The majority of respondents have lived/worked in Moab for 0-5 years, followed by those who have lived/worked in Moab for 21-30 years and those who have lived/worked in Moab for 11-20 years.
  • While there were respondents who had lived/worked in Moab for 31 – 40 years and then over 41 years, this may represent the response rate to the survey, rather than the general demographics of Moab.
  • Respondents who opted for “Other”, generally identified themselves in the open ended response to this question as “having lived in Moab their whole life” or “I was born here” and so perhaps didn’t want to be categorized via timeframe in this question.


For more information about ‘Moab – Tomorrow Together’, please contact:

David Beurle,  CEO
Future iQ
Phone: 612-757-9190

Lisa Church,  Communications and Engagement Manager
City of Moab
Phone: 435-259-5121