The Future of Wellbeing
Foresight Initiative

The Future of Wellbeing Foresight Report

The Future of Wellbeing Foresight Report is published! This report represents the culmination of many months of stakeholder engagement including Focus Groups, an all-day Think-Tank, and a Conference that launched the findings and furthered the discussions. Read the report here.

Future iQ worked with Global Wellness Connections, Green Umbrella, Global Minnesota, and Greater MSP to design and facilitate a process that provided a forum for leading experts in government, academia, healthcare, food, and transportation to develop a vision for Minnesota’s role in the future of global health and wellbeing. The initiative culminated with the presentation of findings and next steps at the Launch on October 7, 2022.

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For more information about the Future of Wellbeing Foresight Initiative, please contact:

David Beurle, Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ