Overview – Phase 1

Overview – Phase 1

The Congress for Chiropractic State Associations (ChiroCongress) is a nation-wide chiropractic organization dedicated to providing services to member state associations through an open, non-partisan forum that allows collaboration to further advancement of the chiropractic profession. On November 9, 2019, in conjunction with the ChiroCongress annual convention, the Future of Chiropractic Forum was held and stakeholders from state association leadership, colleges, national organizations, vendors, individual practitioners, and more joined together to share viewpoints on what the future of chiropractic looks like in the next 50 years. It was concluded that the profession needs a strategic plan, and ChiroCongress agreed to take the lead on this effort on behalf of the profession and its Board of Directors. The ChiroCongress Strategic Planning Task Force has contracted Future iQ and the consultancy firm of Sharity to collaborate on this project to facilitate the development of a five-year strategic vision and plan for the future of the chiropractic profession in the United States. It is anticipated that the resulting vision and plan will bring together a profession with diverse perspectives and give voice to the common goals and needs of chiropractic stakeholders.

Strategic Visioning Process – Phase 1

Future iQ has been contracted to facilitate Phase 1 of the strategic visioning process for this project. The strategic visioning process will involve the following elements:

  • Background research, planning and communications
  • Project portal
  • Future Perceptions Survey
  • Project Launch
  • Key Future Driver Discussion Boards
  • Key Future Driver Workshop
  • Future Think-Tank Workshop
  • Expected and Preferred Future Workshops and Survey
  • Future Scenarios and Foresight Report
  • Future Summit


For more information about the Future of Chiropractic strategic visioning and planning project, please contact:

Elizabeth Klein, Executive Director
Congress of Chiropractic State Associations
Phone: (503) 922-2933