Political and Regulatory Influence

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about:


Like all professions that have some degree of regulation, the ability to shape legislation and influence decision makers can be important. What level of investment do you think the profession should make to exert political and regulatory influence?

SCALE (1-10):
1 = Current influence is adequate.
10 = Should invest significant new effort to bolster influence.

Key things to note:

  • This data skews to the right-hand side of the continuum, highlighting a desire to move in that direction.
  • This desire to ‘Invest significant new effort to bolster influence’ has been a repeated theme throughout the visioning and planning work. This focus is seen as important to build industry influence.

Survey respondents were also given the opportunity to provide open ended responses, as to ‘WHY’ they chose that point on the scale.


For more information about the Future of Chiropractic strategic visioning and planning project, please contact:

Elizabeth Klein, Executive Director
Congress of Chiropractic State Associations
Phone: (503) 922-2933