The purpose of the Focus Groups was to validate the preferred future, and to gather strategic ideas on how to implement the vision. Below is a synopsis of the key themes and strategic ideas that emerged from the Focus Groups. The 4 common themes that emerged repeatedly were the need for better regional storytelling, workforce/workplace transformation, regionalism, and the region’s significant educational assets.
Tell our story better to the outside world; for workforce development and businesses.
Workforce (shortage):
Address the shortage by building affordable housing; become more welcoming; create a systems-wide onboarding procedure to incorporate diverse populations and new residents into the region; attract and retain employees.
Workplace / Business attraction:
Market existing spaces to employers; emphasize location; promote opportunities to repurpose existing spaces.
This is one of the best assets of the region – incorporate innovation into education and provide a broader set of educational options.
The importance of creating a more cohesive region.
Recreational opportunities:
Emphasize the opportunities here; recognize high level priorities to attract and build quality of life in the region.
Infrastructure development/Built environment:
Build connectivity, walkability, broadband to support/attract new growth and changing demographic.
We need to market as a region and advertise ECI assets more, especially quality of life. Develop the storyline that attracts youth.
Workforce / Workplace:
Develop the infrastructure to support workforce including new populations – housing, amenities, work options (remote work). Work to attract people and businesses.
Develop K-12 programs with career development/options. Leverage University’s spin-out capacity, venture capital, geographical connections.
The importance of creating a more cohesive region.
Research and development:
Bring in mid-size companies to test theories/R&D in food. Build on Cedar Rapids food production capacity. Tie Universities to the R & D programs. Become a test bed for tech companies.
Land stewardship – move to regenerative economy/not extractive.
October 20, 2021
Jones County, Monticello City Council Chambers, 9:00am-11:00am
October 21, 2021
Washington County, Washington Public Library, 9:30am-11:30am
Benton & Iowa Counties, Fireside Winery, 2:00pm-4:00pm
October 22, 2022
Food & Bio-Processing, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, 8:00am-9:30am
Insurance & Finance, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, 10:30am-12:00pm
Engineering & Automation, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, 1:30pm-3:00pm
October 25
Main Street & Small Business, Location TBD, 9:00am-10:30am
Education Technology & Services, MERGE Iowa City, 12:00pm-1:30pm
Bio-Technology & Medical Technology, BioVentures Center, 2:30pm-4:00pm
October 26
Jones County, Lawrence Community Center, 9:00am-11:00am
November 15
Linn County, Location TBD, 8:00am-10:00am
Linn County, Virtual Session, 1:00pm-3:00pm
For more information about ECICOG’s CEDS Project, visit or contact:
Karen M. Kurt, Executive Director ECICOG
East Central Iowa Council of Governments
Phone: (319) 365-9941 Ext. 122