Action Teams

Action teams are being created for each of the Strategic Pillars.

The teams will work to implement the actions that have been identified under each pillar. Interim Pillar Leads have been identified, and we are inviting interested people and organizations to join the teams.

The Strategic Actions aim to address the big challenges in the region, including:

  • Stimulating innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. This will include work to help the regional economy grow and flourish.
  • Tackling the challenges of poverty and inequality. This work will create pathways for shared prosperity, and address existing and emerging issues of inequality, affordability, and poverty. The intention is to make the region a place that all people can thrive.
  • Creating more livable and sustainable communities. Action includes work to help reimagine neighborhoods, build recreation infrastructure, and protect natural resources.


Embracing an innovation focus to build regional competitiveness

  • Capitalize on trends that are changing the location and nature of manufacturing
  • Plan for the transformation of energy production systems
  • Focus on capturing opportunities in the biosciences and bioeconomy
  • Facilitate relocation of R&D facilities and functions to the region

Protecting and sustaining our unique natural resources

  • Support efforts to address flooding and water quality issues
  • Support the move towards more regenerative land use practices
  • Promote local level action that supports the transition to clean energy

Creating more vibrant communities

  • Stimulate the development of more unique events, cultural assets, and places
  • Connect individual community assets to strengthen the region’s vitality
  • Expand and connect recreational opportunities region-wide

Creating and expanding pathways for shared prosperity

  • Support the widespread creation of quality sustainable and affordable housing
  • Develop and promote a coordinated plan for childcare in the region
  • Expand access to fast affordable broadband across the region

Fostering an entrepreneurial approach to create and capture new opportunities

  • Develop systemic, coordinated support for entrepreneurs in our region
  • Assist communities with the creation of innovation spaces
  • Develop targeted marketing and storytelling to attract key industry clusters

Reimagining the built environment

  • Amplify the use of Iowa’s Smart Planning Principles throughout the region
  • Revitalize neighborhoods via rehabilitation, infill projects and adaptive reuse
  • Build connectivity and walkability through transportation infrastructure and neighborhood design

Purposefully growing a thriving diverse regional workforce

  • Develop an overall regional onboarding system unique to East Central Iowa
  • Focus on support systems to assist immigrant populations thrive in the region
  • Expand education initiatives for career connected learning


For more information about ECICOG’s CEDS Project, visit or contact:

Karen M. Kurt, Executive Director ECICOG
East Central Iowa Council of Governments
Phone: (319) 365-9941 Ext. 122