Project Overview

Founded in 1974 as a forum for discussion of and action on national issues of common interest, the Council of State Community Development Agencies (COSCDA) is the premier national association advocating and enhancing the leadership role of states in community development.

This is carried out through innovative policy development and implementation, customer-driven technical assistance, education, and collaborative efforts. COSCDA represents the leadership role of the states as the premier voice of authority to Congress, federal and state agencies in advocating and promoting community development, disaster recovery, and affordable housing as well as eliminating homelessness, and in providing technical assistance and increasing collaboration among state partners.

The mission of COSCDA is to:

  • Advocate for the common community development goals of the states;
  • Develop policies and recommendations on community development issues;
  • Keep members informed on federal and state legislative and administrative developments that affect them;
  • Enhance the capacity of states to deal effectively and comprehensively with community development issues;
  • Ensure the availability of community development expertise to members;
  • Encourage and assist states in the development and implementation of effective community development programs; and
  • Facilitate the exchange of information about programs and achievements among states